Choose a Dentist who Cares For Your Smile

By - TalkToMedic Admin

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Dental conditions are not something you should take for granted. According to the American Dental Association, around 2 million people visit for a dental consultation per year.

When it comes to oral health prevention is always better than cure. Instead of waiting for any mishap to happen, it’s better to have a healthy dental routine like brushing daily, flossing, eating a balanced meal, and having regular dental checkups. Abiding by these preventive measures will significantly prevent you from several dental issues.

Still, sometimes you need to visit a dentist in urgency. We have mentioned some of the conditions that require immediate assistance from the dentist. Here are the top 5 signs when you need to visit a dentist.

  • Pain and Swelling

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Regular pain or swelling in the gums could be a sign of poor oral health. Unusual gum pain that stays longer than expected would need an immediate

dentist check for any infection or disease. 

Infection if left untreated gets into your mainstream blood flow and causes serious health issues. Swelling in gums, cheeks & lymph nodes are potential symptoms of gum infection.

  • White Spots on Teeth

Solid food to baby

White Spots on teeth could possibly be an early sign of tooth decay. Some possible reasons for white spots are fluorosis, enamel hypoplasia, low level of calcium, and poor oral health.

People going through celiac disease are extremely prone to witness white spots as they struggle to absorb nutrients. These white spots slowly become vulnerable to bacteria and decay.

  • Increased Sensitivity

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Also known as dentin hypersensitivity, it’s a common medical condition associated with our dental health. According to research published in Journal of Conservative Dentistry, around 40% of adults experience it at least once.

Though it can affect people from any age group, most patients belong to the age group 30-50 years. The most common factors that lead to Sensitivity are:

Gum Recession

Loss of Cementum

Loss of Enamel

  • Persistent Bad Breath

bad breath

When we don’t brush or floss daily, food particles stuck in our teeth start to have bacterial growth. These bacteria generally grow around teeth, gums, & the tongue, which is ultimately the biggest reason for bad breath. 

Persistent bad breath could be a threat to potential gum disease caused by the accumulation of plaque. Gum diseases in turn could result in damaging gums and jawbones.

  • Jaw Problems

jaw problems

TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Disorder) is one of the common jaw problems that cause pain in the jaw and dysfunction joints and muscles responsible for jaw movement.

Pain in the jaw does not signify any serious threat. Pain usually becomes occasional, temporary, and reoccurring. It generally goes away with little or almost no treatment, some people develop long-term symptoms that require immediate dentist checkup. 

Tips to Choose a Dentist

tips to choose dentist

When you choose a dentist you make a long-term partnership for your oral health. Therefore, it becomes vital to choose someone who’s experienced and you can be comfortable with.

A routine visit to dentist for checkups would certainly help to improve overall oral health and keep you smiling.

To help you choose the right dentist, we have shared a few invaluable tips:

  • Get referrals from friends and family
  • Research on dentist’s credentials
  • Consider experienced dentist
  • Ask about telehealth capabilities
  • Read reviews of other patients